I'm back on my model girlfriend's (parents') couch with a speeding ticket, two parking tickets, and my tail between my legs.
My co-pilot and I pulled up to the local George Webb's and felt like the two 30 yr olds at the table behind us were way too comfortable and needed our company. Some dork then felt the need to start doing the robot at the table and I, ERRR he knocked a fairly full chocolate malt into his lap. After proving ourselves to be the men of their dreams, we were one Tim McGraw song ("OMG this was my wedding song"...trick) from nailing two married women with 3 kids between them in our La Quinta (yeah girl) suite.
Some other highlights...
- Finding out I haven't severed all ties with the spanish, after all.
- Getting turned down by a tranny-lookin-ass and a moby-dick-lookin-ass
- Being absent minded enough to tell a good looking blonde 'nah, I think I'm just going to head home now instead of getting a ride home from you later'
3 hours ago