GOSSIP GIRL...and more specifically Leighton Meester. While Jessica Biel struggles to disassociate herself with 7th Heaven, Leighton's swinging for the fences. In case you've been hiding under a rock (read: "don't search 'gossip girl' in google news"), Leighton Meester (the brunette from Gossip Girl) made a sex tape a few years ago and "her ex boyfriend" now sold it to a website. Leighton is a BEAUTIFUL girl. Absolutely gorgeous. Tisdale gorgeous. Oh yeah, and she also gives the guy a 'footjob' in the video. No joke. You should see the gears turning in my head.
To completely one-up Paris Hilton, along with a sex tape, she's also featured on a song ironicly titled "Good Girls Go Bad" with the band Cobra Starship that Ryan Seacrest tabbed "possibly the song of this summer" (not that I believe what Lucky Pierre nerds think, I actually listened to it, it's not bad).
To completely one-up everybody, Leighton and Blake Lively took part in possibly the hottest photo shoot ever for Rolling Stone. Except the iffy thing is that 2 girls 1 cup crossed my mind when I saw them attacking that ice cream cone. Then I remembered Leighton hates ice cream so we had to paint my dick bright green during the shoot and photoshop in the cone later. Things have a way of working out in the end.

Post-game scissoring coming to a 15% filled arena near you...It's now WNBA season. Yuck.
Look at my (former) roomate, he's a regular Gilbert Godfrey