Access Hollywood has learned Hilton was leaving the International House of Pancakes on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood, Calif., just before 5 a.m. on Saturday when Michael Broadhurst, 50, allegedly pushed her from behind.
While she wasn’t robbed or hurt, Hilton was extremely upset, authorities told Access.
A sheriff’s deputy inside the restaurant came out to check on what he referred to as a “commotion” and found Hilton placing the man under a “private person’s arrest.”
Soooo let's list the pro's and con's for Nicky Hilton...
Pros: Rich hotel heiress, will throw down with 50 year old men who cause a disruption, will eat at IHOP, rich, skinny, a cheetah in bed prolly
Cons: Little tits and that sister Paris.
Whatever... I choose you, Nicky! Today's your day!

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