I'm broke, so I decided Valentine's day was my chance to make a little extra dough. Did I earn this cash legitimately? Nah. I told my mother that I had a dinner date ("Are you sure?" she asks...WTF does that mean?!) and that I wasn't sure I would have enough to cover it. She gave me a cool $40 but asked 99 questions, all of which I had answers for. So 'Lindsay Weiss' and myself headed to Water Street Brewery. I got a chicken sandwich and freis, she got a grilled chicken salad. We got some drinks there then met up with our friends downtown. I know her from college, she's from Fon du Lac and now lives in Milwaukee.
So for all you chumps who picked up an extra shift at the restaurant last night to get some extra cash, I guess it pays to be an unemployed loser living with parents. Though I did cry myself to sleep and use my tears as lube.
Today, I called my Grandmother to wish her a Happy Valentines Day. She asked me If I had a date lined up. I didn't. Before I could explain why, she responded with "Well, maybe all the other gays went on vacation!" Thanks Grandma, I'm not gay. FML