...That's Tisdale's description of her soon to be released album, Guilty Pleasure. I sure hope that's the case because her previous album, Headstrong, not only has pitiful album artwork, but the music is the same "ugh get these paparazzi away! Ugh, now that I'm in front of the camera and bright lights, life's sooo haard!" B.S. that I would expect from a talentless skeleton like Lindsay Lohan.
Tis is also going to be on the cover of Cosmo. Not that I've ever read the magazine, but I hear it's a really popular one and that it says alot about your current stardom if you can land the cover. If we start spelling Cosmo, P-L-A-Y-B-O-Y, then I'll be excited. Plus she has her dark hair for it anyway.
Also, word on the street is she DID in fact dye her hair...to something described as "honey." That's like when you're 22 years old, ERRR 9 years old, and you mom tells you to clean up your room, so you kick all the clothes to the corners and under the bed so that you can see the floor. I'm all for brunettes as long as they're tan. So tan your skin, or bring back the platinum blonde - don't "tan" your hair.
UPDATE: K, that was a really old picture, but I like my analogy so the paragraph stays - false info or not.
looks ghostly on this cover, but better on the red carpet...
UPDATE: Forget "better on the red carpet", she looks fantastic. Keep the hair flat and skin tan and we're golden, Tis.

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