
This needs sharing

There may be 2 million hollywood gossip blogs online, but WWTDD.com is by far the funniest. I'm sitting in the living room with my parents, ERRR roomates having a serious discussion and burst into laughter every few minutes at shit like this...

I don’t know if it’s “cool” to like Eminem anymore but I think he’s fuckin great. I don’t have the time or money to chase every trend anymore. It feels like, as soon as I catch up, the cool kids have moved on to something else. Luckily my closet full of Big Dog muscle shirts and Zubaz pants are more of a timeless look and not just some passing fad.


Katelyn Zeller?

Wow, does Tyler Zeller (North Carolina hoops #44) look like Katelyn, the tranny, from The Real World. I texted this thought to a friend and his response was "yeah his brother is luke zeller from notre dame, then the sister ERRR sibling is Katelyn." Thinking he did some google research to find this out, I was going nuts. It's not really true but would you immediately disregard it if someone told you? No, you wouldn't. Staying with Katelyn, how bad do you feel for the guy she hooked up with during the season? His name is Rayne and he's a drummer for a band out there. If it wasn't bad enough that they said his name on the air, they also showed him drumming. So, for the slight chance that someone might know multiple people with the name Rayne, the mystery of "which one?" was solved for you. Poor guy, to say the least.

B-B-B-Bad Girls

(Late) Thoughts from the BGC reunion...

God I fucking hate Ashley. She wasn't even cast on the show until someone had to leave. It's like she goes out of her way to prove she's a badass bitch. No, no, sweetheart, you're just a cunt who's trying to make a name for herself through reality tv. Ugh, like, soooo unoriginal.

Cookie got some highlights and put on some makeup, and looks real good. She cements herself as my number 1 cast member.

Ailea is probably the most sane of the girls on this reunion show. She says she's going to school and all this warm cheery stuff like she changed into a good person because of the show. Makes me sick - quit lying.

Whitney was never attractive but tonight...woof.

I'm starting to see why I'm the only one who was nuts about Amber B. She's falling down my rankings with a cinder block chained to her foot.

Purity, Shmurity

SO today I watched a True Hollywood Story on "young hollywood" but basically only caught the part on the Jonas Brothers. I guess they all have little promise rings or purity rings saying that they're going to wait until marriage to stay true to themselves. What the fuck ever... you're too young to realize your foolishness. I know they have their "strong family support" and squeaky clean image, but they are near the top of my list for stars who will definately take a 180 about 5 years down the road. One day they'll wake up and realize "hey...we're kinda like the biggest thing going right now with teenage girls, what are we waiting for?!" We're going to see Joe Jonas with a shaved head and K-Fed beard talking about his ecstasy problems and std's, and the youngest one with a full beard talking about drinking so much his diabetes went wacko and he should be dead. 6-5 odds this happens.